Colby Bouma
Did you run the Scan Profile that contains the PowerShell Scanner you created against a target? You'll be able to find some information on the Scans tab.
The results will show up in the PowerShell tab of the Computer window.
Are you running this as a PowerShell Scanner? https://link.pdq.com/docs-PDQInventory?powershell-scanner.htm
I see a package named "Eclipse Temurin JRE 21 64-bit" in the Package Library.
How long ago did you open your support case? They usually seem to reply within a business day. It could be your AV. https://help.pdq.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002701052-Recommended-Antivirus-Antimal...
Disable "Stop deploying to targets once they succeed" on the Options tab of the Schedule.
Would you be willing to share your scanner? https://github.com/pdqcom/PowerShell-Scanners/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
Sorry, but I no longer work for PDQ.
Cool, definitely not a network issue then. Have you tried running the PDQ clients in safe emulation mode? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/arm/apps-on-arm-program-compat-troubleshooter
It could be a networking issue. Run the following in a PowerShell window on the VM. Replace "PDQServer" with the name of your server. Test-NetConnection -ComputerName PDQServer -Port 6336