Colby Bouma
It could be a networking issue. Run the following in a PowerShell window on the VM. Replace "PDQServer" with the name of your server. Test-NetConnection -ComputerName PDQServer -Port 6336
That most likely means you copied the PowerShell-Scanners folder somewhere other than C:\PowerShell-Scanners. https://github.com/pdqcom/PowerShell-Scanners#setup-1
Yes. Download the PowerShell Scanners repository. https://github.com/pdqcom/PowerShell-Scanners#downloading Import the "Chromium-based Browser Extensions" scanner. https://github.com/pdqcom/Power...
Guys, at this very moment I don't see a single printscreen application in you library. They have Greenshot and ShareX.
No, I can't guarantee that. Here are a couple things I can think of that might not get automatically excluded by Repository Cleanup: Command or PowerShell steps that directly access Repository fil...
Repository Cleanup won't delete files that are referenced by Additional Files. You highlighted 2 different files: Configurationx64-Office2019.xml Configuration-Office2019x64.xml
I'm pretty sure PDQ would have to buy a license to be able to distribute the version of Npcap that has a silent installer. They would have to pay tens of thousands of dollars per year. https://npca...
Sorry, I should have tried that in Inventory before posting. "cmd /c assoc" is sending an array of strings to "ConvertFrom-StringData", so it's returning an array of hashtables. I came up with a co...
[PSCustomObject](cmd /c assoc | ConvertFrom-StringData)