Colby Bouma
You could also use Version Between. Computer | IP Address | Version Between | |
You can create a PowerShell Scanner to look for the old app: Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like '*QuickAssist*' | Select-Object Name, State
I did some experimenting, and it looks like <ComputerFilter> can't handle the Computers table being renamed. Also, I added Applications.Version to the GROUP BY clause so versions don't get swallowe...
I try to look at filters like Boolean Legos. "ALL of the lines contained within this group filter must be TRUE for a computer to appear in this collection." "Does this computer have an application ...
You'll have to change the Scan User for either your servers or workstations. https://link.pdq.com/docs-PDQInventory?managing-scan-credentials.htm#selecting
There's a package for VS Code in the Package Library.
I was wrong about what LastIsOnlineTime represents. I did some experimentation and figured out that it's the last time the target went from offline to online. LastIsOnlineTime - The last time IsOn...
I recommend reporting this to support@pdq.com. As a workaround, you could delete the scanner and recreate it. That should delete the scan results from all computers so that they don't show invalid ...
As a workaround in the meantime, you can add something to the name of packages and collections to mark them, such as *, then search for that in the filter box.