Andrew Pla
Hi Justin, I think that for the situation that you describe, a heartbeat trigger is your best option. Managing offline computers with Heartbeat Trigger | PDQ While not exactly what you are asking a...
Thanks for sharing that, Samuel!
I'm not that familiar with removing printers like this, but it sounds like you may be able to use a PowerShell step in a PDQ Deploy package.
Unfortunately, that is not currently something that our products support. We do have a feature request logged for that, but it isn't currently something that is available. Our products currently ar...
If you are interested in Apple MDM, I recommend checking out SimpleMDM: Intuitive & Powerful Apple MDM Solution PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory are designed for and work best with Windows devices.
Hi Carl, I believe that Microsoft implemented a fix for this in a later insider build, but we also have a new release that should help with the error that you were seeing. Releases | PDQ
We now have a blog and a video on this topic: đź”´Windows 11: Instantly Find Which Computers Meet The Requirements - YouTube Find Windows 11 Compatible Devices With PDQ Inventory | PDQ
PDQ Inventory gets the MAC address when the Network Adapters scanner, which is part of the Standard Scan Profile, runs successfully on a target.
I haven't tested this, but I would approach this by getting all of your Azure AD Security groups into a $groups variable, and then go through a foreach ($group in $groups) loop and for each group r...
I don't have much experience with customizing the Quick Access toolbar and am not sure how supported that is. There is some documentation here, which covers exporting a customized Quick Access Tool...