David Linford
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Latest activity by David Linford-
David Linford created a post, First try Pull then Push
Short Version: I would like to have a Scheduled Deployment first try Pull and then, if that fails, try Push. Long Version: We have our Deploy Repository in DFS so files get replicated by DFS to rem...
David Linford commented, Your structure makes sense.
David Linford commented, My collection is working properly. I'm just trying to understand how collection filters work. Also, I think your version is the same as mine. I don't think you need the extra Any. David
David Linford created a post, Dynamic Collection Filters Question
I have an inventory that contains a specific software, in this case Thunderbird, that is also the current version. So I make a collection that has 2 filters: Application Name Contains ...
David Linford commented, So you think that "Drill down from parent collection" is the problem and the solution is to use a "Member of Collection" filter. I actually thought it was the other way around. But you may be right.
David Linford created a post, Dynamic Collection not updating properly
Short Version: I have collections that don't update until I click into them. Long Version: I have collections that have, let's say, 20 computers in them. When I click on them they immediately go t...
David Linford created a post, Windows Updates & PDQ Reboot
I want PDQ Deploy to reboot machines every night at 3am. If those machines have Windows Updates that are awaiting a reboot I want to run the equivalent of the "Update and Restart". It appears tha...
David Linford commented, "Stop deploying. . ." is the ticket. Thanks for the help. Unfortunately this is not a scannable item, so I have to handle it with a Static Collection. Thanks for your help. David
David Linford created a post, Remove computer from Static Collection on successful deployment
I have a scheduled package in Deploy that runs on a Static Collection from Inventory. If the deployment is successful on a computer in the Static Collection, I have been manually removing the comp...
David Linford created a post, McAfee- dat.zip file update
Does anyone have a way to update McAfee data file (i.e. avvepo10032data.zip) in the McAfee Master Repository using Deploy?