Brent Green
I must not be doing this right, because I don't get anything.
I couldn't find a way to make this happen. I gave up and just did it through GPO.
It's the original scan. It's kinda strange since they are exactly like 100 other desktops in the building. I'll try that. Thanks.
Mine just keeps looking like it's still running. So I just look for it to show up in the Deep Freeze console. Once it does, I just abort in PDQ Deploy and I'm good to go.
Still the same problem this morning. I haven't come up with a good answer. I went ahead and remoted into the machines and manually installed the programs, but I still want to figure out what the ...
I dropped the username portion and it still didn't work. Here is a screenshot. It should be student where it says "Techie"
Sorry found the winlogon. Everything is there, but the username is wrong. It has a different name.
7 Professional
There is nothing in Windows NT\Currentversion that says winlogon. Also, my test machine doesn't have Deep Freeze on it.
Everything is working now.....except that it is not Auto-logging in after the reboot. Any ideas?