This helped me with a building a collection to find computers that DON'T have a particular local printer installed. So, thank you! Just curious...is it possible to see the SQL code behind this to ...
Thanks...sorry...I was looking on YouTube.
Thanks...I found a Package in the Package Library that worked for .Net 3.5.
OK...I ran the CheckSUR on one of the PC's. Shows problems with KB3035583, which is the Windows 10 downloader. Will have to put some research into fixing that, which isn't a PDQ problem. Good new...
As requested.... Hope this helps.
Yes. They both show entries under Hot Fixes.
Hey Colby...The PC's are running Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit I tried the command on both PC's and got no output. Probably means that I've got issues with WMI on those machines, huh?
No they don't, just the normal monthly rollups.
Hey Scott...in my case the application is still needed and used almost constantly. The problem with it is that it leaves files on the hard drive after exiting and doesn't clean them up. I asked th...
This is very helpful to me as I've been looking for a way to delete folders from each user's folder. I modified the path and works perfectly, so thank you! Would there be a way to get it to bypass...