Bouma, Colby
My avatar is from this drawing by Falvie: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/12360437
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Latest activity by Bouma, Colby-
Bouma, Colby commented, This might be due to PDQ copying the files to the computer and running them from there instead of running them from the UNC share. Try using a Command step instead.
Bouma, Colby commented, There is a command line utility for interfacing with PDQ Inventory. # Generate the list of laptops$Laptops = & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\PDQInventory.exe" GetCollectionCom...
Bouma, Colby commented, I'm not sure it's a bug. I think it's just a quirk of the way filters work. I believe it's doing a database query for every filter. What you are doing requires a database join, so you need to do 2 ...
Bouma, Colby commented, Please post screenshots of your package steps.
Bouma, Colby commented, Do the targets have enough disk space? That was the issue for many people in this TechNet post: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/9e3cced1-7f4e-4a6a-909a-9d6fc60ff24d/getting...
Bouma, Colby commented, Interesting. I can replicate your results. This returns 0 computers: However, adding extra filters fixes it: This correctly returns only the computers that are members of both collections.
Bouma, Colby commented, PDQ doesn't natively collect the subnet mask. You would need to create a registry scanner. Add this to your Standard scan profile:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\{*}\Parameters\Tcpip\Now you can ...
Bouma, Colby commented, Doh, you're totally right Shane. Yeah, getting filters to do what you want can be a little tricky :)
Bouma, Colby commented, Try this:
Bouma, Colby commented, Go to the Options tab for that step and set Error Mode to Continue.