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doug.kinsey commented, Bump
doug.kinsey commented, Thanks, Shane. Figured that one out after a few minutes of head scratching.
doug.kinsey commented, However, when the next AD sync occurred, it erased the non-domain machine from inventory.
doug.kinsey commented, Well, adding the machine name to the hosts file did the trick.
doug.kinsey commented, I am able to ping the machine, yes. I agree it must be something basic that is being overlooked, but perhaps I am just not meant to track non-domain equipment the easy way!
doug.kinsey commented, 0 Tests failed when I analyzed the machine. The result of nbtstat gives me the machine name/groups and MAC address. Yes, I can access the ADMIN$ on the remote machine, but I am prompted for usern...
doug.kinsey commented, Thanks, Shane. I have allowed access, double checked DNS, checked firewall, set Standard Profile Group Policy, and still no dice. The PCs add to the list with no problem at all, but that is al...
doug.kinsey created a post, Non-Domain for the millionth time...
I know this has been asked time and time again, but I can't for the life of me find the answer now that I am ready to use it. I am wanting to add a minimal number of non-domain PCs into my invento...
doug.kinsey commented, Powershell came back as true, but I went ahead and disjoined and rejoined the domain anyway. All is well with the world again. Hard telling exactly what happened, but it is working normally now. ...
doug.kinsey commented, Thanks, Stephen. I will give that a shot. I should also add, this is the 4th Windows 10 PC I am pushing out, the others went oddly easy. This one is making me pay for it.