Espen Dykesteen
Just wanted to add. It was quite easy to make the deployment. Just unzip the EXE (I used 7-zip).This is the path to the MSI: SetupDesignReview\x86\ADR Use that to make the package. Also remember to...
Did also come here to request this one.
Multiple times Colby. It does not matter. It just runs slow when it runs in a virtual environment. Always has. I suspect it has to do with graphics/drawing. So I have really been looking forward ...
I also have issues with GUI being very little responsive. It have been like this for ages. My PDQ deploy DB is only 4MB! (have many deployments, little history) It just feels very sluggish to work...
+1 Missing this one
Never mind. My stupid mistake. spicworks writes: /forcestart BUT Offcause it shold be /forcerestart So add this as a command step. wusa /uninstall /kb:3159398 /quiet /forcerestart success codes...
I did not have any issues with it "running for ever". Tested on few computers (all Win7). Just used the /silent parameter. as stated in the instructions from Veeam. Used PDQ Deploy v Remem...
We are now having few Veeam endpoint installations, so i decided to switch deployment to PDQ Deploy. Tested this with EndpointBackup. (old version, so i cold try an update). Install com...
Good to hear. A bit disappointing that internal housekeeping was not in place from version 1.
I realize this post is marked answered, but it might be worth mentioning that it can be done the way OP wants. But it requires that the user needing the mapped drive is logged on. Then you set the ...