Corellian, Shane
Default Collections and Reports - PDQ Inventory 7.1
If you want to restore the default Collections or Reports in PDQ Inventory then click here to download the zip file. After extracting the XML files you can import into PDQ Inventory via File > Impo...
Mozilla Firefox (Collections)
Here are some Firefox collections. Obviously when newer versions come out you'll need to change the appropriate version filter. If you have an Advanced Subscription then you will already have up-to...
Default Collections in PDQ Inventory 3.0 Release 3
Here are the default Collections included with PDQ Inventory 3.0 Release 3. You can use this if you have accidentally deleted or modified the built-in Collections. This will not overwrite your chan...
Proxy Filter / White List - Package Library, PDQ Updates
***UPDATED 20 JULY 2015*** If you are unable to access the Package Library or receive Update notifications in PDQ Deploy you may need to add the following address in your Proxy Filter / White List....
Java (JRE) 7 Update 5 (x86)
Just a heads up that this installer was just added to the Installer Library. If you don't see it, just hit your refresh key (F5). Note that this installer is Pro mode only due to the multiple steps...
Determine if target computer is a laptop
Provide the chassis type in an inventory scan so that PDQ Inventory can determine whether a system is a laptop, desktop, rack-mount server etc. This request originated from this question in our Qu...
Find computers running Windows Firewall and which File Systems have NTFS or FAT32
This was a question that was sent to our support address. I am including it here. > Trying to set a collection on who has their firewall on... Not sure where to go for that... And also who has Fat3...