Corellian, Shane
Hi Giovanni, Check out the link below. http://support.adminarsenal.com/entries/20914353-Group-computers-which-are-missing-certain-apps- We will remove that older video and replace it with a new ver...
Hi Jason, Yes. The UAC value is stored in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System The value is called EnableLUA A value of 1 = UAC EnabledA va...
What issues are you seeing other than having to deploy both the 32 and 64-bit packages? We are hesitant to include the 32-bit installation in the 64-bit package because many of our customers only u...
I am going to move this request to the PDQ Deploy Questions forum since the workaround / fix requires manually modifying a package. You are probably going to be best served by utilizing the LEAVE_P...
At this time the packages are either english or international. While we have plans to accommodate other languages in the future we don't have an estimate yet. If you would like to help us test some...
This problem can pop up every now and then. It is fairly rare and "the perfect storm" of certain events need to happen to cause it especially in later versions of PDQ Deploy. The easiest thing to d...
Hi Glenn, Remember that drive mappings are per user. This means if you want to delete a drive mapping for the currently logged on user you need to set the "Run as Logged On User" option in the step...
Hi Daniel, To do this from PDQ Deploy you'd need to be running in Pro mode and you'll need at least version 2.3. Pro mode lets you run deployments as the Logged On User on the target machines. I am...
Hi Eddie, You can keep Firefox up-to-date without having to uninstall previous versions. Upgrading keeps the preferences and other settings intact. -Shane
Yes, you can do this in the Pro mode of PDQ Deploy. In the current version It is kind of a round-about way of doing it, kind of like using TaskKill. In this case you could use TaskList.exe to see i...