Sweeten, Scott
Any updates on this? Did the feature request get anywhere?
This would be much appreciated here!
I agree. There should be an option where a Condition Not Met is a success. I have a very simple package step that deletes a file on the desktop. The result is that I don't want that file on the des...
Thanks Chris. Saves me time! Already deployed over our VPN and had a good success rate, everything considered.
This would be pretty generally useful.
The link at the bottom of the page i linked still works. Can't figure out how to post an image so check the next reply
I just exported my Zoom Client installer and uninstaller here: https://community.pdq.com/posts/11886-i-created-zoom-client-install-and-uninstall-packages Hope it helps.
I just exported my Zoom Client installer and uninstaller packages and posted here: https://community.pdq.com/posts/11886-i-created-zoom-client-install-and-uninstall-packages Hope it helps.
This is correct. 1st I would say that unless you have less than a dozen or so Windows clients and only 1 or 2 Windows servers to manage I highly recommend setting up WSUS (it's a Windows Server rol...