Sweeten, Scott
I created Zoom Client Install and Uninstall packages
I created installers and uninstallers for the Zoom client (the one you use for scheduling and hosting meetings). Not sure if it works with the app that's downloaded to quickly join a meeting. The M...
FYI bug in Adobe Reader DC 19.008.20071
The Adobe Reader DC update from last week, version 19.008.20071, has a critical bug that causes bitmap images in a PDF to print out wrong. Adobe scrambled and released a fix early this morning, 19....
Not planned
nomacs image viewer (free for commercial use)
https://nomacs.org/ "nomacs is a free, open source image viewer, which supports multiple platforms. You can use it for viewing all common image formats including RAW and psd images." "nomacs is lic...
Not planned
Irfanview Uninstaller
Can we get an Irfanview uninstaller package for both 32- and 64-bit? The 32-bit task already exists in the installation package and is really easy. 64-bit is probably just as easy. Made one for mys...