BitLocker status...
Does PDQ Inventory have the ability to display BitLocker status? Enabled/Disabled? Thanks!
Dynamic collection for specific registry key value?
I wanted to create a collection showing all computers with UAC disabled. When I created the collection, I was a little confused on how to do this. I essentially wanted to see if EnableLUA = 0. I en...
Filter not working correctly?
I'm using 1.1.20 Pro Mode. I'm trying to make a report to show all computers that are missing some software. My filter is set as follows: Include rows that MATCH ALL columns. Column: Computer Model...
File transfers stop at 50% when using pull option
I'm using PDQ Deploy v1.5 release 2 in Pro Mode. I had a similar problem in a prior version. I'm attempting to deploy a software package over the WAN using pull mode--so the workstations at the bra...
Files scanner not working
I'm using PDQ Inventory 1.0 release 2 in Pro Mode on Windows 7 SP1 x86 and scanning the same platform of machine. I've created a new scanning profile to scan for a particular file. I have used the ...
Create collection to find computers offline 20+ days
Is there a way to create a collection that would find all computers that have been offline for X amount of days? We know we have some phantom computers and some computers misnamed in AD--we'd just ...
Create collection to find group members
I'm using 1.0 release 1 in Pro mode. We would like to create a collection that would list all the machines with certain users in the local administrators group. I opened an inventoried computer and...
Speed decreases gradually when deploying
I'm using 1.4 release 2 of PDQ Deploy Pro. When deploying a program on the local network, I notice the copying speed starts at full speed, but it gradually decreases until it gets to 40 KB/sec. I u...