Chris Cunningham
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Latest activity by Chris Cunningham-
Chris Cunningham commented, Yes this correct, running as the Logged on User. I basically built a package that ran: net use U: /delete /y net use U: \\storagedevice\shared\userfolder Where the shared file contains all of the ...
Chris Cunningham created a post, Net Use as Remote Command
So I am attempting to run the following: net use U: /delete /y This returns successful and I am running it as the local user but no changes occur when run in Inventory or Deploy. The commands work...
Chris Cunningham created a post, View Last User Login
What is the best way to view the last user log in on a machine in PDQ Inventory? Currently seems I can only view active users and not the last effective sign in.
Chris Cunningham created a post, View Last User Logon in PDQ Inventory
I can view the currently logged in users on my domain under the user tab but I am wondering how I can also view the last log on as well? Possible to add a column for this or run a report that cove...