Manley Peterson
Yes, I am interested in this, too.
Just looking for an update - is it possible to scan Chromebooks yet? Is that a possibility at all in the future?
######## Copyright Company="Microsoft Corporation" ################ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ######## <# .SYNOPSIS Script to deploy Minecraft: Education Edition V4...
There is a FILES folder in the main folder.
Here is the READ ME text file that MS provides with the Zip file. It doesn't tell me to do any of that, so I don't think it is necessary: [Minecraft: Education Edition Installer]This folder conta...
This is everything in the Batch file.
@echo off echo Checking if you have Administrator permissions... net session >nul 2>&1 if %errorLevel% == 0 ( echo You have Administrator permissions, starting installer...pushd "%~dp0"PowerShell.e...
I forgot to add that yes, I did unzip the file and created a folder and made a package in PDQ that runs the batch file and checked the box for include whole directory.
I had to change the services from my admin account back to local system and back to admin account like mentioned above. Then, my issue with "failed to create" went away. That was a little frustrati...