Manley Peterson
Yes, I would like to scan Chromebooks in a school setting. It can be just barebones, but it would be great to have them in the inventory list.
Yes, I am interested in this, too.
Just looking for an update - is it possible to scan Chromebooks yet? Is that a possibility at all in the future?
######## Copyright Company="Microsoft Corporation" ################ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ######## <# .SYNOPSIS Script to deploy Minecraft: Education Edition V4...
There is a FILES folder in the main folder.
Here is the READ ME text file that MS provides with the Zip file. It doesn't tell me to do any of that, so I don't think it is necessary: [Minecraft: Education Edition Installer]This folder conta...
This is everything in the Batch file.
@echo off echo Checking if you have Administrator permissions... net session >nul 2>&1 if %errorLevel% == 0 ( echo You have Administrator permissions, starting installer...pushd "%~dp0"PowerShell.e...
I forgot to add that yes, I did unzip the file and created a folder and made a package in PDQ that runs the batch file and checked the box for include whole directory.