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Latest activity by christian.bacher-
christian.bacher commented, Your Deployment is unlogic: Your first Step is a file copy to "C:\Windows10" but your second step starts the Install from the "Repository" and not the local c:/windows10/ folder, this makes the fir...
christian.bacher commented, Go for Firefox ESR, its better to use this version in a productive environment and it's still a .exe and not a .msi Greetings Chris
christian.bacher commented, I know your problem, i had the same behaviour a few month ago. Your workaround is only a drop on a hot stone, the issue comes back soon because the problem is not the package, it's the agent itself...
christian.bacher commented, EDIT The Powershell step needs to be run as "Logged on User" - set ist up under Options inside the step.
christian.bacher commented, Create a powershell step first: exit (new-object -ComObject"Install Application xxxxx now? (Click Yes, otherwise No)",120,"Package Install?",36) and use the "Success Code" 6...
christian.bacher commented, Open your deployment and go to the step which cause the failure, switch to the "Option" tab and change the "Error Mode" from "Stop Deployment with Error" to "Stop Deployment with Success" Now eve...
christian.bacher commented, "We enumerate the Registry to look for the GUID and pass that to MsiExec." Hi Colby, that's excatly what WMIC does, looking for the uninstall string with the GUID from the registry and run him. Try...
christian.bacher commented, Yes it is đŸ˜‰ You're welcome!
christian.bacher commented, Glad i could help, background exes are nasty if you try to update or uninstall a software. You're welcome
christian.bacher commented, If you have a current subscrition, you don't need a "custom collection" because there is a up to date 7-zip (old), (latest) and (not installed) inside the collection library of inventory. If not yo...