Gary White
Thank you. That allowed me to run the taskkill command to close OneDrive, but I am not well versed in powershell and am struggling with the correct PS syntax to reopen it. My command to run in a ba...
Also, OneDrive.exe exists at the root of the OneDrive folder, but when it wasn't working I tried selecting the Include Subdirectories box as shown in the screenshot, but it had no effect. Wanted to...
I am no PDQ expert, but use it a lot. My guess is that you would be better off doing this via gpo.
Not sure what the destination is in the package, but is it possible that it is going on to the admin desktop instead of the intended user? Can you post screenshots of your step?
Good catch. Glad you figured it out.
I could be wrong here, and if I am hopefully someone else will say so, but assuming your computers are in a domain environment, the easiest way to configure these settings would be through group po...
Thank you Colby! I will begin testing this as soon as the new version is available.
Thank you. I will take a look at it.
Thank you for your reply. I will wait and hope added to a future release.
Thank you. I ended up accomplishing what I wanted by using two commands, one in PDQ Inventory and one directly in Powershell on the same server. In PDQ, I included a variable $env:computername.csv ...