Andrew Darrah
Activity overview
Latest activity by Andrew Darrah-
Andrew Darrah created a post, Locate and delete a file
Is it possible? And if so, how? To use PDQ Deploy to locate and delete a file that is located in every users Appdata folder? My goal is to locate and delete any instance of "C:\Users\username\AppD...
Andrew Darrah commented, We moved over from Lanseweeper because it basically quit working and could not get any assistance from their support. And I am thrilled! PDQ Inventory and Deployment blows Lansweeper out of the wat...
Andrew Darrah commented, That was the ticket! Thank you for the assistance. We are coming over from Lansweeper and are still learning PDQ.
Andrew Darrah created a post, Creating dynamic collection for "missing" software.
I have created a Dynamic Collection to show me which PCs on my network have Sophos installed. This collection works great, and does not include PCs that do not have it installed. I want to make a ...