Sounds very promising. How will this work with packages that have extra steps applied before/after? Or nested packages? I'm assuming they will also be updated?
So, the need for this is becoming huge on your end. I'd love to know what the status is on this? Can we expect anything like this in the near future?
Can you please post the profile again? I'm not able to see the attachment. Thnx.
Why not use a Powershell script for this that you can deploy? Something like: $WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Shortcut....
A bit of a late response, but I did end up doing it that way. Scheduled task on the deployment server running the script, being fed by a CSV export from Inventory. Won't win any beauty contests, b...
Thanks for your comment!I have tested WoL, but I never got it to be reliable in larger networks. Especially working over different subnets and VPN links, it wouldn't always work. With AMT, this has...
The way I'm using it right now is creating a schedule like Jason proposed, with multiple auto deploy packages nested. Whenever I want to deploy this set of packages to a client, I edit the schedule...
Right, I understand that I can add auto deploy packages to a schedule. But like I said; there doesn't seem to be a way to create a package with auto deploy packages nested inside.
So, this is still open is it? Like Mmuni said, it's possible to use auto deploy packages in schedules, but not in a nested package. It would be great to just have 1 "multi" package when auto deploy...
Thanks for your reply. Better late than never cause this will accomplish what I'm trying to do. So thanks again! I love the simplicity of this software :)