Nichols, Luke
Activity overview
Latest activity by Nichols, Luke-
Nichols, Luke commented, @Dave (no S), glad to hear it's working. david.skingley, It looks like the script is having trouble dot-sourcing the Write-Log function. There should be a "functions" folder in the same location wh...
Nichols, Luke commented, Dave, You don't manually run CustomSettings.ps1 at all. Just clone DefaultSettings.ps1, rename it to CustomSettings.ps1, and edit in all of your settings. When you run the main script, it imports t...
Nichols, Luke commented, Dave, It is certainly possible to run this codebase completely outside of PDQ, in fact the only step in the whole script that interacts with PDQ at all is line 191 where it imports the output CSV i...
Nichols, Luke commented, Glad to hear it was helpful, Jonathan.
Nichols, Luke commented, kelemvor, I think you could do this all in one CMD step with something like this: start powershellscriptmonitorthingy.exe -bla -bla -blapowershell.exe "C:\path\to\script.ps1"
Nichols, Luke commented, Marc, You can simply add another interval-based trigger in addition to the heartbeat trigger.
Nichols, Luke commented, Marc, You could have a heartbeat schedule that points at a dynamic collection of computers that is always running. Have the filters for the dynamic group check to see if the app version is less tha...