Dan Jackson
Doh! I didn't think to look in the package library...
We should be as we have an Enterprise subscription. I'll check now and if we aren't I'll update. Thanks.
That script failed with the 1234 error code that you put in there. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot it?
We're using the 64-bit versions, so I've changed the script from Program Files (x86) to just Program Files. I'll try it now.
I got a warning in PDQ Deploy saying I should use Write-Output instead of Write-Host so I changed that as well.
So this is the script I went with in the end: If ((Test-Path 'C:\Program Files\7-zip\uninstall.exe') -or (Test-Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\7-zip\uninstall.exe')){ Write-Output "Uninstall.exe fou...