Monica KVH
Not quite a wizard. Systems Support Specialist @ Bedford Industries. PDQ Inventory enthusiast & PDQ Deploy dork. Drinker of bourbons and Scotch whiskies, and petter of corgis. Handler of weird stuff with PowerShell.
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Monica KVH created a post, Question about KeePass/deploying password managers and config
We're looking at password managers (avoiding cloud-based for our particular environment) and giving KeePass a test drive. Is there a way to set up a config file to set and lock the "force changing ...
Monica KVH commented, Only older versions (I think PDQ Inventory 13 and older) can scan PCs that haven't been updated past .NET 4.5.2. You can contact support for...
Monica KVH commented, Loading all deployments can slow down when you have a lot of old deployments in the list. An easier way to tackle this might be to set up a cleanup timer, which will delete deployment records when ...
Monica KVH commented, For greater than/equal to, you will want to use the "version not less than" comparison in collections. For older versions, you'll want to use the "version lower than" comparison. Assuming the appli...
Monica KVH commented, From PDQ Inventory, you can open a PC and check which updates were installed in the "Hotfixes" section. It will show you the name, install date, and so on. As for finding failed updates, perhaps Po...
Monica KVH commented, Assuming your in-house apps are packaged as .exe or .msi, you should be able to deploy them with PDQ Deploy with relative ease (just probably have silent parameters ready for use with .exes). Howev...
Monica KVH commented, Using a PowerShell step in a deployment package, you can copy the contents of the script and run it that way. Without knowing anything about your script (is it just a bunch of standalone cmdlets? i...
Monica KVH commented, You can use the "submit a request" link at the top of the page for one of the PDQ team to respond to you directly.
Monica KVH commented, If you're dead-set on using Deploy Once, you may want to enable Wake-On-LAN on the endpoints that you're wanting to use heartbeat on. Then, instead of using heartbeat in a schedule, you can still u...
Monica KVH commented, Does the "Stop deploying to targets once they succeed" option help? Generally for one-time deployments, I'll use heartbeat with the above option to take care of multiple computers without deploying...