Nate Blevins
Jason, The Windows 10 1903 collection is being worked on as we speak. As far as the windows 10 1903 cumulative updates, my understanding is that the current updates are for the insiders build. As s...
The Computer Table also contains a AD Last Logon column. You can use that with a relative date for instance of 90 days. Then simply disable all computer accounts that haven't been logged in within ...
It is possible to use the agent both in Inventory and Deploy with the ADMIN$ disabled, however having it disabled will make things a little harder for you. You will have to install the agent manua...
Currently all External agents (This is based off of the Agent Status column) will show their external IP by default and all Internal agents show their internal IP by default. This cannot be changed...
If you want a package to attempt to re-deploy each time a schedule is kicked off go to the options tab in that schedule and un-check 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'. Nate
Yes, they are restricted in the free version. However, you can get a free 14 day trial and it will allow you to download i believe 5 packages for you to try out. https://www.pdq.com/try. Let me kno...
Massimo, I haven't messed with this in a long time, but I do remember Chrome being finicky when redeploying the same extension twice. I believe I had to completely remove chrome in order to re-inst...
Official comment
Jo, When it comes to EXEs each publisher can have different parameters that work with their software depending on how it was built. Basically if a publisher doesn't add a parameter you are wanting ...
@Frederick, trying opening it with Internet Explorer.
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@Rudy, Sorry for the delay. We had to make some small changes to the agreement and getting everything signed on our end. Not too much longer.