Server Disconnected


You receive the following error:

PDQ Deploy:
PDQ Inventory:


If PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory is not operating in Central Server mode (e.g. running in Local mode), ensure the Background Service is not running in Local Mode. You should access services.msc to check the Log On As parameter for the PDQ service. For additional instructions on correcting this (and other background service issues), please see, The Service Did Not Start Due To A Logon Failure.

For PDQ consoles operating in Central Server mode (e.g. running either in Client or Server mode), the PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory client will attempt to reconnect to the server automatically until successful or the application is closed.

There could be several causes for this behavior:

  • The machine with the PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory console operating in Server Mode could be turned off.
  • The background service on the PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory console operating in Server Mode could be stopped.
  • There is a network failure or other network issue between the PDQ client and PDQ server.
  • The appropriate Windows Firewall rules were not created to allow traffic on the PDQ server port.
  • Other firewall issues preventing communication between the PDQ client and PDQ server.

To troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure the PDQ console running in Server Mode is operating normally and is accessible to the PDQ client machine (e.g. test with ping).
  2. Ensure the background service on the PDQ server is running.
  3. Check the firewall for the appropriate exclusions.
  4. Turn off any third-party firewall software and test connectivity.

See Also:

Article - Configuring Central Server - PDQ Deploy
Article - Central Server: Migrating Existing Installations That Use Custom Packages
Article - Configuring Central Server - PDQ Inventory
Article - Central Server: Migrating Existing Installations With Custom Collections, Tools, Scan Profiles, And Reports
Article - Windows Firewall Ports and Exceptions

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