The Service Did Not Start Due to a Logon Failure


You receive an error, "The service did not start due to a logon failure". The error is also logged as "AdminArsenal.ServiceLogonFailureException" and "AdminArsenal.Services.BackgroundServiceException"


There can be a few causes for this error:

  • Upon upgrade, the Background Service will fail to retain the correct Background Service credentials.
  • The Background Service user has an expired password.
  • There is another problem with the Background Service credentials.


To correct this, perform the following:

  1. Close any PDQ console(s) you have open, including the error message dialog box.
  2. Open services.msc (Start > Run > services.msc).
  3. Navigate to the PDQDeploy or PDQInventory service (whichever program threw the original error) and right-click the service > Properties > Log On tab. Note the account used to start the Background Service. Should the service be running, by some miracle, stop the service first.
  4. Change the credentials to Local System. IMPORTANT: Do not run the service as Local System. This is only temporary in order to reset the credentials. Click Apply. Do not click OK or close the window.
  5. Click This account and enter the credentials for the Background Service you noted in Step 3. For best results, use the UPN format. Do not leave as Local System.
  6. Start the service or restart the service, if it is running. Alternately, you can open the PDQ console, which will also start the service if it is not running.

If you continue to get the same logon error, attempt the steps above again and reboot the PDQ console machine. If the error continues, contact support.

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