Failed to copy file to target


You receive the error 'Failed to copy file to target" when deploying or scanning to a target workstation.


There are a few different flavors of this error with potential causes and resolutions listed below, but the error is thrown due to a failure to copy the necessary files needed for a successful deployment or scan. These additional error details, all coming from the target machine, may be found within the stack trace. The full error, or stack trace, may be found by selecting the blue question mark to the left of the error > Submit this issue to PDQ support.

The handle is invalid

Access is denied

    • Verify the deploy/scan user credentials read/write access to the target directory and Admin$ share. Help > Open Remote Repair may be used against the target to check whether or not the necessary share permissions are in place.

The user name or password is incorrect

    • Verify the deploy/scan user credentials are valid for the target machine. Additional troubleshooting may be done using Help > Open Remote Repair to check the credentials against the target.

The operation completed successfully

The semaphore timeout period has expired

    • This points to a possible problem with either the network driver or with the configuration of the NIC on the target, and would recommend troubleshooting both.

The network path was not found

    • This often points to DNS issues causing problems with the deployment/scan. Check out this article for more troubleshooting steps: The network path was not found

See Also

Article - Recommended Antivirus/Antimalware Exclusions for PDQ Products

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