Unable to create target directory


PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports there is an error with the target computer due to "Unable to create target directory". Some possible causes could be:

  • AntiVirus\Security software interfering with temporary directories, processes, and services on target computers.
  • Other software locking files and folders with the temporary directories and services on target computers.
  • The cleanup process fails to remove temporary directories and services or crashes on target computers.



  • Reboot the target computer.
  • Delete orphaned temporary directories on the target computer.
    • Delete the contents of the folder pertaining to the application.
      • %WINDIR%\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner
      • %WINDIR%\AdminArsenal\PDQInventory-Scanner
  • Delete orphaned temporary services on the target computer.
    • Use sc delete command to remove services pertaining to the application.
      • PDQDeployRunner
      • PDQInventoryScanner



  • Temporarily disable or uninstall AntiVirus\Security software.
  • Verify no other software interfering with temporary directories, processes, and services.
  • Review the Windows Application Event Viewer Log for any PDQ software crashes.



PDQ software creates temporary directories and services on the target computers to copy over executable files and folders needed to run the deployment\scanning process. If the automated cleanup process fails to remove these files, folders, and services, the parent directory will become bloated and PDQ software will no longer be able to create temporary directories.

How PDQ software works


It is recommended to whitelist the PDQ software temporary directories parent folder from other software that may interfere.



See Also:

Article - Recommended Antivirus/Antimalware Exclusions for PDQ Products

Article - How it Works: PDQ Deploy

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