Incorrect Collection Membership


Dynamic Collections are not displaying the correct membership.


Inaccurate Dynamic Collection Membership

The data for the target computers in PDQ Inventory is updated by scanning the targets. If a Dynamic Collection's membership is not accurately reflecting recent changes to your target computers, first make sure your targets have been scanned with a Scan Profile configured to scan for the filtered data in the Dynamic Collection.

If your targets have been successfully scanned with an appropriate Scan Profile, the recently scanned data for your targets is accurate, and a Dynamic Collection is not accurately reflecting the changes, continue to the next section.

Dynamic Collection Membership Not Updating

After changes to your target computers have been detected from a PDQ Inventory scan and a Dynamic Collection does not update, try the following troubleshooting:

  1. Refresh the PDQ Inventory Console by selecting View > Refresh in the menu or press F5 with the PDQ Inventory Console as the active window.
    • If the collection does not update, continue to Step 2.
  2. Close the PDQ Inventory Console and restart the PDQ Inventory service. Re-launch the console and verify the collection membership.
    • If the collection does not update, continue to Step 3.
  3. Reboot the PDQ server.

When using the Client Console with PDQ Inventory in Central Server mode and a Dynamic Collection is not updating:

  1. Close and re-launch the Client Console.
    • If the collection is still not updating, continue to Step 2.
  2. Log into the PDQ server and launch the console.
    • If the server console is displaying the same incorrect results, perform the steps above.
    • If the PDQ server is displaying the correct collection membership, reboot the Client Console computer.

Dynamic Collection Membership Mis-match

If the setting Show Number of Computers in Tree is enabled in Options > Preferences > Interface, the number of computers in each collection will be displayed by the collection name in the tree. At the bottom of the PDQ Inventory Console, below the tree, the number of computers in the selected collection will be displayed.


If these numbers do not match, try the following troubleshooting:

  1. Refresh the PDQ Inventory Console by selecting View > Refresh in the menu or press F5 with the PDQ Inventory Console as the active window.
    • If the inaccuracy is from a child collection, collapse the parent collection first, before refreshing the PDQ Inventory Console.
    • If the number of computers does not update, continue to Step 2
  2. Toggle the setting Show Number of Computers in Tree off and back on in Options > Preferences > Interface.
    • If the number of computers does not update, try restarting the PDQ Inventory service after disabling this setting, and re-enabling the setting after restarting the console.
    • If the number of computers does not update, continue to Step 3.
  3. Reboot the PDQ server.

Reports from Collections With Conflicting Results

It is possible to create a Report using the same filters as a Dynamic Collection, but with different results being displayed. This can happen if the Report contains columns from a database table that some of the targets are not a part of.

If you create a Report from a Dynamic Collection with modified columns and the number of computers in the Report does not match the number of computers in the Dynamic Collection, try removing all columns except for the Computer Name column and re-running the Report. If the number of computers in the Report match the number of computers in the Dynamic Collection, there was a column selected from a table that not all targets in the Dynamic Collection are a part of.

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