Packages Not Updating

You may find that Auto Download Packages are not being downloaded, can't be approved, or aren't appearing as available for download in the Package Library. This article covers troubleshooting Auto Download Package & Package Library update issues.

Package Library Not Updating

The PDQ Deploy Console will check in with the PDQ Library, for updates to the Package Library, every two hours. The PDQ Packaging team publishes most packages within one business day of being released; high priority packages are released on the same business day or, if the vendor released the application update after hours, ASAP the next business day.

To manually refresh the PDQ Deploy Console, and force a check in with the PDQ Library, press F5 with the PDQ Deploy Console as the active window or select View > Refresh in the menu. If there have been updates to the Package Library since the last console refresh / PDQ Library check in, they will appear in the Package Library page after refreshing the console.

If the Package Library is missing packages that have been published, and refreshing the console does not display the updated package versions, try the following troubleshooting:

  1. Close all open PDQ consoles and restart all running PDQ services.
    • If the Package Library still does not update, continue to Step 2.
  2. Reboot the PDQ server.
    • If the Package Library still does not update, continue to Step 3.
  3. Verify that you can reach all of the required external exceptions.

Because access to the Package Library requires an active Enterprise License, it is possible that the Package Library may be failing to update because PDQ Deploy is unable to validate your license when checking in with the PDQ Library. If the above troubleshooting steps fail, try re-applying your PDQ Deploy License key (Help > License > Enter a New License) and restart all running PDQ services.

Auto Download Packages Not Updating

If the Package Library is up-to-date, but the Auto Download Packages you've downloaded aren't being updated:

  1. Verify that they should be downloaded, according to your Auto Download Approval settings configured in Options > Preferences > Auto Download > Auto Download Approval Settings.
    • If your Auto Download Packages still do not download, continue to Step 2.
  2. Make sure your Repository location isn't out of available storage space.
    • If your Auto Download Packages still do not download, continue to Step 3.
  3. Close all open PDQ consoles and restart all running PDQ services.
    • If the Package Library still does not update, continue to Step 4.
  4. Reboot the PDQ server.
    • If the Package Library still does not update, continue to Step 5.
  5. Verify that you can reach all of the required external exceptions.

Because Auto Download Packages require an active Enterprise License, to download updated packages, it is possible that PDQ Deploy is unable to validate your license when attempting to download the updated package from the PDQ Library. If the above troubleshooting steps fail, try re-applying your PDQ Deploy License key (Help > License > Enter a New License) and restart all running PDQ services.

Auto Download Packages Not Approving

If there are individual Auto Download Packages that are not automatically downloading per your Auto Download Approval settings, or when you select Approve Now in the Auto Download Approvals menu, but other packages are successfully updating when expected, those packages may have been deprecated from the Package Library and are no longer available for download. You can verify their availability in the Package Library by searching for the package name in the search field in the Package Library page.

If the package is not available in the Package Library, the package will need to either be converted to a Standard Package (Package Properties > Options tab > Convert to Standard Package) or deleted in order to remove the package from the Auto Download Approvals menu.

In rare circumstances, it is possible for a package to be available in the Package Library, but stuck in the Auto Download Approvals after the version that was waiting to be approved was deprecated and the PDQ Deploy Console hadn't checked in with the PDQ Library before the version of that package was removed. If this happens, the only solution is to delete and re-download the Auto Download Package.

See Also:

Article - Firewall Ports & Exceptions

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