creating local admin account on remote pc
i am using LAPS.msi and trying to create local admin user on remote PC using this command "
msiexec /q /i <path>\LAPS.<platform>.msi CUSTOMADMINNAME=<name of custom local admin account>"
but it didn't create account. it did install LAPS package. is there way i can do both. i don't want to use GP to create local admin account. i have most of the Windows 7 devices.
Deployment 79 76-lt-hr01 Step 1.txt
You could do this to create a user account on the computer and then add that user to the local administrators group. replace [username] with your desired username and [password] with your desired password.
net user [username] [password] /add
net localgroup administrators [username] /add
Found my 5y old batch :)
:: create_local_PC_account.bat
:: Create local pc account, password, description, disable password change, full name
:: Password never expires
:: Disable local built-in Administrator account
:: Add new user to administrators group
:: Remove new user from Users group
:: NB! Beware plain text password. Set NTFS security on the batchfile or folder so only admins and the pdq sys account can open / read it.
@echo off
net user admin zuperzecretpass /add /comment:"Local PC Admin" /passwordchg:NO /fullname:"Admin"
wmic useraccount where "name='admin'" set passwordexpires=FALSE
wmic useraccount where name='administrator' set disabled='true'
net localgroup "administrators" admin /add
net localgroup "Users" admin /delete
:: Some commands
:: Create hidden admin account
:: net user hiddenaccountusername supersecretpassword /add
:: net localgroup "administrators" hidden /add
:: Some other commands
:: wmic useraccount where name='Administrator' call rename name='admin'
:: net user administrator /active:no
:: net localgroup "Power Users" admin /add