The network path was not found


PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports "The network path was not found" when deploying or scanning to computers.


This is a native Windows\SMB error that means an SMB connection to the computer failed.

Some of the possible causes are:

  • File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks are disabled in the network adapter properties.
  • SMB protocol is being blocked at the computer or network level by a firewall.
  • Antivirus or other Security software interfering with SMB connections to the network share.
  • Misconfigured DNS environment with stale records and invalid IP Addresses.
  • Microsoft TCP/IP host name resolution failed.
  • The network share is no longer being shared.

See Also

Article - DNS Troubleshooting

Article - Firewall Ports and External Exceptions

Article - Recommended Antivirus/Antimalware Exclusions for PDQ Products

Web - Microsoft TCP/IP host name resolution order

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