- The Account Name is Invalid or Does Not Exist, or the Password is Invalid for the Account Name Specified
- Could Not Ping Computer
- Failed to resolve hostname
- The network name cannot be found
- The network path was not found
- The specified network name is no longer available
- NTLM: Target computer name mismatch
- Kerberos: The target account name is incorrect
- Computer unreachable or offline
- The Specified Server Cannot Perform the Requested Operation
- Remote shutdown policy prevented shutdown
- An undefined error occurred in the network, the target computer may be offline
- The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to
- Can't access ADMIN$ share using a local user or LAPS account
- The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed
- Target Computer Offline
- Target Computer Name Mismatch
- Duplicate Computer Host Name
- Timeout
- Computer Not Found