Exceeded Timeout for Completion


During a deployment you receive the error Exceeded Timeout for Completion appended with the stage of the deployment that failed.


There are four stages of a deployment that can generate this error: Initializing, Preparing, Reconnecting, and Running. The error will display in PDQ Deploy as Exceeded Timeout for Completion (Stage _____).



The Initializing stage is where the PDQ Deploy server makes the initial connection to the target computer(s). If the error Exceeded Timeout for Completion (Stage Initializing) is encountered, something is preventing the server from successfully connecting to the target or a slow connection to the target caused the timeout period to expire.


The Preparing stage is when PDQ Deploy is copying the necessary files and creating the required PDQ Deploy Runner Service to perform the deployment. If the error Exceeded Timeout for Completion (Stage Preparing) is encountered, something is preventing the files from being successfully copied to the target or the PDQ Deploy Runner Service from being created.

  • Verify that the required Windows Firewall & Anti-Virus exceptions are in place.
  • Verify that the Deploy User account has been granted the required permissions as well as the ability to log on as a service on the target computer.
  • Ensure that the configured timeout period is sufficient for the deployment.
    • Some deployments will take longer than others. For example, a Microsoft 365 deployment will need to copy over more files and will take longer than a 7-Zip deployment. Make sure your timeout settings are appropriate for the size and amount of files being copied.
      • Timeout periods can be configured globally under Options > Preferences > Deployments > Timeout.
      • Timeout periods be configured per-package in the package Properties under theOptions tab.
  • Reboot the target and attempt the deployment again.


The Reconnecting stage happens when the server loses connectivity to the target and attempts to re-create the connection to continue the deployment. If the error Exceeded Timeout for Completion (Stage Reconnecting) is encountered the deployment timed out while trying to reconnect to the target, likely due to the target rebooting or issues with the Windows Firewall, Anti-Virus, or a network appliance breaking the connection during the deployment.

  • Verify that the required Windows Firewall & Anti-Virus exceptions are in place.
  • Ensure that the configured timeout period is sufficient for the deployment.
    • Timeout periods can be configured globally under Options > Preferences > Deployments > Timeout.
    • Timeout periods be configured per-package in the package Properties under the Options tab.
  • Reboot the target and attempt the deployment again.


The Running stage is where the PDQ Deploy Runner Service is performing the steps of the deployment package on the target computer. If the error 'Exceeded Timeout for Completion (Stage Running)' or 'Exceeded timeout for completion. {0}Are you missing silent install parameters?' is encountered, it is most likely an issue with the silent parameters not being properly configured in the package, missing dependencies, or the timeout setting needing to be extended for a large deployment.

  • Make sure that you have the proper silent install parameters configured in the package.
    • If the installation file is an EXE, this may require consulting the software vendor's documentation to find the silent install parameters.
    • If the installation file is an MSI, the silent install parameters are typically standardized and can be chosen while the package is being created under MSI Options.
  • Verify any dependency files, such as INI or MST files, are properly configured.
  • Ensure that the configured timeout period is sufficient for the deployment.
    • Some deployments will take longer than others. For example, a Microsoft 365 deployment will need to copy over more files and will take longer than a 7-Zip deployment. Make sure your timeout settings are appropriate the amount of time the installation may take.
      • Timeout periods can be configured globally under Options > Preferences > Deployments > Timeout.
      • Timeout periods be configured per-package in the package Properties under the Options tab.
  • Copy the installation file, and any dependency files, to a test target computer and attempt to run the installation using the command line in the Command Line box from the package's installation step Details tab.
    • If there are any installation prompts or user inputs required for the installation to complete when attempting the install locally, this will prevent the deployment from working. In this case, verify the silent parameters are correct according to the software vendor's documentation.


See Also:

Article - How It Works: PDQ Deploy

Article - Windows Firewall Ports and Exceptions

Article - Recommended Antivirus/Antimalware Exclusions for PDQ Products

Article - PDQ Credentials Explained

Article - Enable Credentials to "Log on as a Service"

Article - Case Sensitive Silent Switches (Parameters)

Article - How to Create a Basic EXE Package

Article - How to Create a Basic MSI Package

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