Deployment Error Codes

You want to understand why the selected package returned an unsuccessful return code.


Consult the documentation for the installer in question or reach out to the vendor to determine the meaning of the error code that was returned.

If the installer is a script file it may be due to a coding issue.

MSI Errors

Some EXE installers are actually just wrappers around Microsoft Installer and will sometimes return MSI error codes. As these codes may be used for different things (depending on the installer) we don't treat them in the same way that we treat error codes when running MSI, MSP, or MSU installer files. Below is a list of MSI codes you may run into.

1601 - Windows Installer Service could not be contacted
1602 - User Cancelled
1603 - Fatal Error
1605 - Application Is Uninstalled
1618 - Installation Already In Progress
1619 - File Not Found
1620 - Cannot Open File
1622 - Error opening installation log file
1624 - There was an error applying transforms (Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.)
1632 - Temp folder full
1633 - Unsupported platform
1638 - Another version is already installed
1639 - Invalid command line option
1642 - Program being patched is not installed
1704 - An installation is currently suspended
17031 - Prerequisite missing for this installer

Other Common Errors

You may come across these errors intermittently. They may not always mean the same thing for every installer, but here are some common meanings.

112 - There is not enough space on the disk.
4123 - Product already installed as an operating system component
5100 - General error with .NET installer
14098 - Potential problem in the Windows Servicing Store. (You may see this on operating systems that haven't been activated with Microsoft)
17025 - Patch already installed (usually from MS Office)
17028 - No product installed for the contained patch (usually from MS Office)

17034 - Required patch does not apply to the machine (usually from MS Office)
30059 - Invalid license key was entered into the OCT (Office Customization Tool). Verify your license key has been entered correctly.
-2146498520 - Insufficient disk space, most commonly used in service packs
-2146498046 - The installation file is intended for a different architecture (e.g. Attempting to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 32-bit installation on a 64-bit system)

-2145124330 - Install not allowed. This error is common when attempting to run Microsoft updates on a computer that has already applied other updates and is awaiting a reboot. In these cases, reboot the target computer (allowing previously installed updates to be applied) and then reattempt the deployment when the computer is back online.

Wrapping up

Make changes as recommended by the creator of the installer.

The return code may not truly be an error, the deployment may still have succeeded as some installers return codes for purposes other than error conditions. If the return code is indicating a desired status it can be added to the Success Codes field in your Installer to mark future deployments of that package as successful.


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